The EPIC (Early Psychosis Intervention & Care) Recovery Program is exclusive to Life Management Center as one of only two facilities in Florida.
EPIC Recovery Program
The EPIC Recovery Program is a 24-month, evidence-based program designed to provide help and services for patients experiencing psychosis. Each situation is approached with respect for the patient and the understanding that recovery is possible. It’s hope for those experiencing delusions, mood changes, a decline in self-care and withdrawal from others.
Those suffering from psychosis usually experience it in episodes. The signs and symptoms vary by each person so the changes in behavior must be considered against that person’s typical patterns.
What does the treatment cost?
All of the EPIC services are FREE and include:
If interested or to learn more, call (850) 522-4485 or email [email protected].
Help is Available Now
We’re available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, to provide a no-cost mental health assessment for you or your loved one. Call us at 850-522-4485 or visit our facility to get started. For questions about our programs, call us.
In the case of a medical emergency or crisis, please dial 911 or go to the nearest emergency room.